Posted tagged ‘architecture’


March 14, 2009

A house in Mor Aldenn

A house in Mor Aldenn

Aye, thats me house over there, by the big red oak. Just last week I repaired the front door. It was starting to creak, but I could live with that, until me wife started to complain! Sorry, I haven’t got a room for ye, my friend, but try the Gloating Giant, there’s always a few rooms to rent, or so I hear.


 – Gorick Thalmis, owner of Gorick’s Emporium 


Most people in Mor Aldenn own their homes and take great pride in this ownership. They work hard and make sure that repairs are made every year, or even every month. If you are lucky, you can find a small apartment to rent, or even a single room, but while you wait for such a fortunate opportunity, you better rent a room at one of the six inns.

In Mor Aldenn you’ll find that most buildings have more than one story. Most live in two storey buildings, but you’ll find some that has up to three stories. Most houses has a small cellar as well and perhaps a small shed out back, in their garden. Its also quite ordinary to have a small balcony that overlooks the street, or even better, the river, if possible.

Gardens are very common in Mor Aldenn, often surrounded by a simple hedge or a low stone wall. A few gardens, like the one of the alchemist, Jordrick Runsen, is surrounded by a tall stone wall, making it impossible to se what secrets the garden hides. Some have their garden in front of their home, but mostly, you’ll find it behind the building.

Shops are found on the ground floor of most houses, though some can be found on the second floor as well. They have glass windows displaying some of the goods and beautiful intricate signs hanging outside. Moraldenns know how to sell their goods. Shopowners often live on the second floor.

Elven craftsmanship

For as long as their have been a city here, at the converging rivers, there have been elves as well. Their exquisite craftsmanship have made its impact upon the city and nowadays, you’ll find lots of houses, and even a few mage towers, like the incredible Tower of Enchantment, that bears their mark.

Some humans have tried to learn the craft of the elves, but somehow, they never quite succeed. A house created by the elves is often twice as expensive as any other house.


There is only one true mansion in all of Mor Aldenn, and this is the mayor’s mansion. It is located on one of the southern isles, connected to the rest of the city, by a beautiful elven bridge. Some of the larger houses around the city could actually be called mansions or manors, but moraldenns would never do that. The mayor’s mansion have at least 15 rooms, a few kitchens, a large stable and a beautiful courtyard with a circle of old trees. Its a sight to behold, which is probably why the mayor rarely leaves it. Below one of the towers, the barrack tower, you’ll find a small prison. This is not the only prison around town, but the one mostly in use.

Art by the Forge Studios (