Spell Preview, Day One

Hi everybody, it’s time for some spell previews! I’ve posted spells before, but now that I’m working on the Spell Compendium, I think it’s time to share some of the goodies.

As you read these spells, just remember that nothing is set in stone! Everything can change, especially if the spells aren’t balanced, therefore, if you have a comment, don’t hesitate to share it!

I will try to post a new spell each day (sometimes two, if they are connected).



School transmutation; Level bard 0, cleric 0, sorcerer/wizard 0

Casting Time 10 minutes

Components V, S

Range 30 ft.

Target up to one gallon of water

Duration permanent

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

With this spell, the caster changes up to one gallon of water into any kind of alcohol. This spell has its name because the most commonly chosen alcohol is ale and because it seems to deliver the best result. The flavor is moderate and does not compare to any alcohol that a master could brew using real ingredients. Most clerics favor wine over ale.



School transmutation; Level bard 0, cleric 0, druid 0,

sorcerer/wizard 0

Casting Time 1 minute

Components V, S

Range 30 ft.

Target up to one gallon of any alcohol

Duration permanent

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell works like Water to Ale, except that it makes any alcohol into water instead.


Designer’s Notes: Yes, these are simple spells, and yes, you could possibly use a prestidigitation spell to change water into alcohol… temporarily. This, however, is a permanent change.

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2 Comments on “Spell Preview, Day One”

  1. Stephen Yeardley Says:

    My players use Prestidigitation quite often to make alcohol. They get the taste then, as it begins to hit the system, the mage has it change back and they avoid the hangover. They also do this the other way around to fool people they think are hiding something from them. The mage converts a strong alcohol into water, which they let their target drink, and then convert it back to the alcohol and see if the target gets drunk and let’s things slip. I liked the idea so agreed it was possible.

  2. cityofmages Says:

    Yeah, the Prestidigitation spells is quite useful 🙂

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